Sturdivant Progress WSC adheres to the standards and regulations of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
We purchase our water from the City of Mineral Wells.
Turkey Peak lake will help but is about 5 years away.
Our purveyors are continually working to update our aging water lines and older meters.
Most of our meters are now read as the purveyors drive by them with a reader in the vehicles, which has saved us days on monthly meter readings. We are currently working to upgrade our meters to a continuous read system. A new meter reading is sent to the software every 24 hours. This system will provide us with a more accurate record of water usage. And monthly meter reads for billing purpose will only take a couple of hours. This will save the purveyors’ time so that they can maintain water lines, address customer concerns, and repair water leaks quickly.
At the 2024 Annual Members meeting - an updated Tariff for Stordivant Progress WSC was approved by members in attendance.